När man tittar i Google Analytics så vill man inte ha en eller flera domäner som saboterar statistiken för att dom av flera anledningar ”krälar” (engelska Crawl) på din sida.
Om du har en sida med GA aktiverat så har du nästan garanterat spår av SEMALT och kanske även andra SPAM/Skräp krälare.
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Add or remove referral traffic sources
This setting is controlled applied in the admin settings of each property in your account. To exclude traffic from specific domains as referral traffic:
Any hostname that contains the string you add will be excluded. For example, if you add example.com to the list of referral exclusions, another-example.com will also be excluded from your referral traffic.
- Navigate to a property. If you’re not in the settings screen, click Admin.
- Click Tracking Info then Referral Exclusion List.
- Enter the Domain.
- Click Apply to save.
You can also remove domains from the list of exclusions, reintroducing that traffic as a referring source in your reports, by following these steps.